Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I buy movie tickets?
Tickets can be purchased online or in person at our ticket booth the night of the show.

2. Do you accept credit cards?
We accept all major credit cards at the ticket booth and concession stand.

3. When do the movies start?
Movies start as soon as it is dark enough to see. Weekly times are listed on the movie ticket page.

4. Can I purchase a ticket after the movie starts?
Yes you can. You can purchase them online or in person as normal.

5. Can you play [MOVIE TITLE]? I really want to see it.
We’ll sure try. We choose our movies every Monday based on a variety of factors. We do our best to choose movies that will be interesting to the widest possible audience.

6. How do I listen to the movies?
The drive in uses an FM transmitter for audio, so any FM radio will be able to pick up our sound. The station for Screen 1 is 90.3FM and Screen 2 is 87.9FM. We do not broadcast over the internet. If your car radio is broken or you are unable to run your car during the show, radios can be rented for a small fee at the snack bar.

7. Is the flea market open?
Please check the Flea Market Page for up to date information. We are open every Sunday April through October from 7am until 3pm. If we are closed for any reason we will post the closing on both our website homepage and our Facebook page . The first flea market of the season is 4/6/25.

8. How much are flea market vendor spots?
Spots are $20 per Sunday. Spots are first come, first served. However, vendors can prepay for the year and reserve their spot if desired. There is no discount for prepaying for the year. See onsite flea market staff for details.

9. I purchased my ticket online and now can’t attend the show. How do I get a refund?
Movie refund requests should be sent to Refunds typically take 3-5 business days to process. Refund requests must be made before the show begins. Tickets are not refundable once the movie has started. SPECIAL EVENTS ARE NOT REFUNDABLE REGARDLESS OF WHEN THE REQUEST IS MADE.

10. When do the gates open for the movies.
Gates open roughly one hour before the start of the movies.This may change based on attendance.

11. If I only want to watch the second movie, can I show up later in the night??
Yes. Your ticket gets you access to both our both movies being shown. You can watch two movies on Screen 1, two movies on Screen 2, or mix and match. Please note that if you show up later in the night you will have to take whatever spots are available, as the lot is not cleared between viewings.

12. Can I sit outside my car and watch the movie?
Yes you can! And if your car stereo isn’t loud enough, we now rent radios to the public.

13. What events are coming up?
Our next craft fair will be held on April 26th, 2025, our Honeybee Festival will be held on 5/24/25, and our Picklefest will be held on 6/7/25. All events run from 10am-4pm. Attendance is free to the public. Check out our Facebook page for the most up to date information.

14. I want to be a vendor at one of your events. How do I sign up?
Vendors can register for any of our events by clicking/tapping on the red Buy Tickets button on our Homepage, then Vendor Registrations. Questions can also be directed to .

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